
Understanding the 7-Year Lookback Rule in Background Checks

A criminal background check is a key part of the pre-employment screening process, as it can provide a deeper understanding of a person's character and trustworthiness - along with whether they have the potential to compromise the safety of your workplace.

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Stephanie Haft

Stephanie Haft
Stephanie is the Marketing Manager at Good Egg, and avid quoter of Mel Brooks movies.

Recent Posts


8 Social Media Screening Myths—Busted!

When it comes to social media screening, we find most people embrace the concept, even though they tend to know little about the day-to-day reality of what, exactly, social media screening entails. In fact, many dangerous myths abound. It's time to ...


What's an MVR Report and Why Should More Companies Care?

At Good Egg, we receive many questions regarding motor vehicle record (MVR) reports. What are they? What's on them? Why should employers care? Let's dig in...


Background Checks in Higher Education

One of the most basic—and important—goals of background checks is to help keep people safe, something that's vital on college campuses filled with students, faculty, administration, staff, vendors, and visitors.


If Only the Wizard of Oz Had Background Checks...

At Good Egg headquarters, we were recently talking movies, and someone mentioned that the beloved Judy Garland film The Wizard of Oz is turning 80 (!) this year.


ATS Integration with Your Background Check Vendor: 4 Benefits

If you work in HR, you probably crave speedy recruitment, streamlined applicant tracking, and easy ways to monitor the entire hiring workflow.


Capital One Breach Highlights Criminal Brazenness Online

Making news in recent days has been the Capital One data breach affecting 106 million people in the US and Canada. A former Capital One employee carried out the hack in March/April of 2019 and bragged about it online.


Background Checks: 9 Big Mistakes Recruiters Still Make

If you're a recruiter who wants to WOW, don't make these mistakes when it comes to background checks.


The Surprising Connection Between Background Checks & Customer Service

As Good Egg's marketing manager, I pay close attention to what our customers and prospective customers talk about when it comes to employee screening. I also listen closely to the Good Egg sales team.


Hiring Seasonal Employees? Make Sure You're Screening

Summer's almost here, which means seasonal businesses will be ramping up their workforces. Think ice cream shacks, farms/orchards, amusement parks, garden centers, landscaping companies, construction sites, summer sports leagues, golf courses—the ...


HR's Background Check Process - 3 Scenarios

The way HR managers approach employee screening will differ for many reasons, including something we don't discuss much: the particular situation the HR manager finds himself or herself in.


Understanding Panel Drug Tests - Expert Q&A

If you're developing a drug-screening program for your organization, you likely have questions about drug panels. We recently sat down with one of our screening experts to answer some FAQs.


3 Common Company Background Check Questions

We receive many questions about background checks, so we thought we'd compile three of the most common here.


How Technology is Transforming Background Screenings

It wasn't all that long ago that background screening was a paper-based process. Sadly, many companies still do it this way. The problem? Paper-based checks are time consuming, inefficient, and can lead to inaccuracies/errors. That said, we know ...


Social Media Screening in the Age of Millennials & Gen Z

Millennials (those born between 1981 and 2000) have taken over (and have transformed) the workforce. Gen Z (those born between 1996 and 2012) will soon follow. The way employers recruit and hire Millennial and Gen Z job candidates has changed as ...


Employee Rescreening vs. Continuous Monitoring - What's the Difference?

Our employee screening philosophy is straightforward: in order to get a complete picture of a person, you need to consider their past, present, and future behaviors (we call this the Good Egg Screening Continuum®).


Why You Should Outsource Your Social Media Checks

Social media. Love it or hate it, the reality is people are using it—and at record numbers.


Is this Legal? Social Media Background Check FAQs

Let's face it: social media is a big part of most people's lives. In 2017, there were 2.46 billion social media users, and projections suggest 2.77 billion people will be using social media in 2019.


6 Startling Stats that Show Why Pre- & Post-Employment Drug Screening is Critical

It's easy to spout off startling statistics, but without context, those stats remain just that: startling. Understanding a statistic's relevance is what makes a statistic useful. A good stat should help you make a more informed decision regarding ...


7 Myths About Criminal Record Checks, Busted

Since 70 million people in the U.S. have a criminal record, it makes sense that employers conduct criminal background checks so they can make informed decisions about applicants. The problem is that many myths abound regarding criminal background ...


Continuous Background Screening - End of Year Planning

As the year winds down, something on the minds of many HR professionals is whether they have the hiring and retention practices in place they’ll need for 2019. This evaluation begins with a critical look at their current background screening ...


Evaluate the Cost of Your Background Check for 2019

As you begin planning for next year, now's a good time to carefully consider your current background screening program - not simply in terms of cost, but also in terms of the value it's providing your business.


FCRA Compliance Litigation Continues to Rise

With FCRA compliance litigation rising yet again in 2017, major companies such as Uber, J.P. Morgan, and Avis saw multi-million dollar settlements for FCRA noncompliance issues. According to the latest statistics from WebRecon LLC, this was the 17th ...


3 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement

Note: This article is an excerpt from our new ebook, “The Employee Engagement Dilemma: Why Happy Employees Aren’t Always Engaged – And What You Can do About it.” To download and read the full ebook, click here.


Washington Fair Chance Act and Your Business

When State Governor Jay Inslee signed the Washington Fair Chance Act on March 13, 2018, the state joined the rest of the West Coast in enacting state-wide Ban the Box legislation. When it goes into effect on June 6, 2018, most employers in the state ...


Fast Background Checks - Expectations Around Turnaround Time

“How long will the background check take?”


3 Steps to Managing Adverse Action Compliantly

If you are making any negative decision based on information contained in a background check report, you must follow FCRA Adverse Action procedures (F.C.R.A. §604 (b), 15 U.S.C. §1681b).


Why Background Checks are Important: Care.com Ordered to Pay $500,000

The online caregiving giant Care.com was recently ordered to pay almost a half million dollars due to holes in its background screening process. The lawsuit comes after several incidents where caregivers found on Care.com (all of whom passed ...

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